Even though this information is viewable from within the MacAddict Tour interface, we've been getting tons of letters asking us "Who's the band?". So here's all the info, plain and simple, for the artists you'll find in this month's Tour. If you like their music, drop these guys a line, or better yet, buy their CD's. Enjoy!
Michelle Cross, a Chicago based singer/songwriter, got her start with classical piano while growing up in Japan. After completeing her first demo in march of 1999, Michelle began distributing the CD to various sources. One song, Sushi Queen, was placed on garageband.com's web site, a "best of the unsigned bands" competition on the internet. The song was reviewed by music listeners who listened to the song randomly from a database of over 20,000 songs. The songs are rated by answering select questions and Sushi Queen quickly ran up the charts. In the fall of 2000, Michelle became the August 2000 recipient of garageband.com's $250,000 recording contract. Since then, Michelle has been working on new material, demoing songs on a Macintosh G4 based ProTools system in preparation for her upcoming album. For booking, purchase, and other information on Michelle Cross, contact Mathew Prock at:
Greg Conway is a musician, composer, guitarist, drummer, sound designer, mixer and overfed long-haired leaping gnome. His extensive body of work includes numerous feature films and television programs but he'd really like to do more game work. For the Temple Tantrum Theme I tried to get a slightly East Indian vibe while keeping the energy up and maintaining a sense of action and adventure. This song was created on a beige G3 using Steinberg's Cubase VST/24 4.1 and Bitheadz Unity DS-1. (Check out the game demo on this month's disc!)
This song was created by Jens Nilsson of Fadeout Studio, for MacRun Games for their upcoming first release, Captain Bumper. Jens works as a composer and sound designer for computer games, animations and as a producer for recording bands. Ofcourse he's like all MacAddict readers and uses a Mac for all his work, personal and killing time moments. He's in a band called Chocolate Sunday, famous for their sweet, but moody, powerpop/college rock style. (Check out the game demo on this month's disc!)